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Membership Renewal Page

Started by K.C. Magic Data, July 31, 2018, 08:57:28 am

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K.C. Magic Data

July 31, 2018, 08:57:28 am Last Edit: July 31, 2018, 09:02:09 am by K.C. Magic Data
Here is how the Membership page works to pay using Visa/Mastercard

1) First choose the Type, Either 1 year or Monthly.
2) After you have chosed type, if you have a previous Membership and want to renew then press Renew Current Membership

You will be presented with the second screen to Enter in any of your current Users and password. When you press Verifiy it will look for your Serial #
Once you have the Serial # found and listed press Continue.

Then you can press Pay Now.
On some computers and Browsers the Pay Now button is hidden until you scroll down.
If the Pay Now button is not working see if it is indicating a reason after it is pressed.
If all fails please try a different browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge, Fireofx.

After you have chosen the Type and pressed Renew Current Membership you will be prompted to enter any of your User names with password to retrieve youyr Serial # or if you already know the # you can enter it. Press Verify when done.

Kevin S Currie