February 13, 2025, 03:46:19 am

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Android Phone and Tablets / Kaiser Single Player released ...
Last post by K.C. Magic Data - January 24, 2024, 06:30:08 pm
Kaiser Single Player released for Android Phone and Tablets.

Go to Google Play Store

Misc Chat / Re: Member DASH (Shirley)
Last post by Laura0624 - December 09, 2023, 09:16:02 am
RIP Shirley.
Misc Chat / Member DASH (Shirley)
Last post by K.C. Magic Data - May 18, 2023, 10:58:20 am
I was asked by the daughter of our Kaiser player Dash (Shirley), to notify the other members that she had passed away at the end of Jan 2023. Dash was at the top of the Kaiser Stats since she became a member in 2006. She would always take the time to greet me every time i came online.

I will quote her Daugher:

QuoteShe didn't have very good health so didn't get out much, but playing Kaiser helped fill her need for social interaction. If you can, please let her game friends know how much she enjoyed being part of the community.
Problems or Questions / possible cheaters?
Last post by Mikey - October 27, 2022, 07:51:29 am
Last night late tourny (oct26) a couple players said our 2 cheaters Audrie and Lenore resurfaced, but i can definitely say they have not resurfaced last night. There were no cheaters last night. Before players start accusations in the lobby they should check with other veteran players first for confirmation because next thing you know everyone is accusing everyone of cheating.
Problems or Questions / Re: Funny stuff going on
Last post by K.C. Magic Data - May 06, 2022, 01:08:22 pm
Anytime strange things like that happens its because the game becomes out of sync between players.The sync problem is caused when the Host has a internet problem which causes a communication mismatch. The host of a room becomes the main computer where the game is actually played. Its likely the Host wont see a problem while the other players do.
Problems or Questions / Funny stuff going on
Last post by suz - April 23, 2022, 04:17:20 pm
So not sure if it was me, Hombre, or Sparky...lol  but one of us sure fired up some Kaiser Gremlins  :)  Had been Sparky's bid, she was doing great, and then suddenly the "it's your bid" flashed all over for all of us and I somehow had the bid. It was 0 No-Trump....yup....ZERO...took a pic for you if you want it Kevin
Misc Chat / Well known member "Flawless" h...
Last post by K.C. Magic Data - August 25, 2021, 08:59:28 am
It is with great sadness to share with the Kaiser community the passing of one of Kaiser's greatest players, Flawless.  Most in the Kaiser community knew his love for his Harley.  He has been a Kaiser member since 2008.
He died doing what he loved.  Our favourite partner is gone, but never forgotten. 
Kaiser One / A good hand
Last post by K.C. Magic Data - September 24, 2020, 12:11:10 pm
Just when you think you've seen it all then this happens...

Kaiser One / New Gameskeys Listing
Last post by K.C. Magic Data - September 19, 2020, 10:10:50 am

Kaiser One was listed as a Hidden Gem.

Check out the new listing here and maybe find some other Gems you may like here:

Gaemeskeys listing
Problems or Questions / Re: game disconnected during t...
Last post by K.C. Magic Data - November 21, 2019, 09:47:17 am
If its a spontaneous random problem, i would think its happening on your side of the computer and internet. if you are using rural intrernet then its a common problem with providers like Xplornet especially after 6PM. Things to try: Power your internet equpment off and back on and also power your computer off. This does help. Also if you are using WiFi make sure you have a good signal and are close enough to your WifI signal.

Test your internet speed here. https://www.speedtest.net

check before and after you have done the steps above. There have been others that have had the same issues as you and this has helped them.
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